Monday, November 24, 2008

Much to be Thankful For....

Happy Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful time of year to gather together with family and friends and give thanks to God for His abundant blessings. Even if the blessing at times have seemed few and far, there is always reason to give thanks, especially that God sent His Son Jesus so we might have fellowship with Him forever! I am also thankful for my family, the books He has enabled me to write, the journey along the Appalachian Trail He helped me attain, the many blessings of items here in the house and plenty of food. The list goes on. It's so easy at times to forget to be thankful, especially when trials and tribulations are mounting. But that is the best time TO give thanks to the One strong enough to carry our deepest and heaviest burdens. And to keep being thankful every day, no matter what happens. His love is forever.

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