Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Journaling as my New Years Resolution

I spent the last several days on a little trip to be by myself and spend some time thinking, praying and writing. And with that, I decided to begin a journal for the new year, on the suggestion of my pastor's wife. I have been dealing with different things over the course of the last few months, and being able to convey those feelings in a handwritten journal is proving to be very helpful. I thought that just putting some ideas down on this blog would suffice. But journaling enables me to get even more real with myself, map out struggles and answers to them without them being in the public eye. It is really a self illuminating venture that we all need. And of course, anything that helps practice writing skills can only be beneficial to me as a writer.

So I suppose my New Year resolution is to try and keep a written journal and see what comes of it.

Do you have any New Year resolutions this year as a writer?

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