We are getting ready for our son's big high school graduation festivity this weekend (he is graduating from the official Bliss home school). Lots of relatives and family coming in to celebrate. So of course out comes the duster to dust in places I haven't touched in quite a while. It's amazing what can gather just in the air we breathe. But once you have dusted away, it feels and smells much cleaner, and you actually feel better about it too.
With that, I saw a call by an editor looking for some new proposals. And I thought, hey, why not "dust off" one of my older proposals to ready it for a submission? Of course it's going to mean dusting off some areas to make it shine, like revising and reworking characters, plot, etc. But better than having it continue to sit in a file somewhere, never seeing the light of day, gathering computer dust - so to speak. After all, I worked hard to create the idea, even if it was eons ago. Why not put it to good use?
Are there any projects you are hoping to dust off and get out to publishers? Maybe now's the time to check your files and see what may be lying around. With a little fine tuning, it could sparkle and shine and land in the publisher's "to buy" pile! You never know...
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