Monday, September 8, 2008

Expanding Your Profile

Well, it's time to wander off the deep end into unknown territory. As most of you know, I have leaped from being a fiction author for over twelve years into the newest realm of non fiction writing. I certainly don't know everything, even after attending a writer's conference, but I am trying to get my feet wet.

I am pleased to share that an outdoor magazine just recently accepted a small piece of my work for inclusion in their September magazine. It was an incident that happened on our hike a few years back for their CLOSE CALLS section. Click here for the article and scroll down until you come to Mountaintop Madness. When this came out, I was able to add it to my biography list I was compiling for my main event - my big non fiction book on our hiking experience.

I am also entering a writer's contest of sorts - that is, I am writing an article for a possible book compilation by Dr. Gary Chapman on the extraordinary things people do for love. Again I am taking an incident from our time on the trail last year when my husband performed a miraculous feat so he could see my son and I. This type of writing helps me practice in the area of non fiction while giving me the opportunity to sell. All in the name of building my resume for the important book I desire to have published.

If you have the desire to write non fiction or fiction, begin by writing. Look for opportunities to practice your craft, especially in the smaller areas like magazines and book compilations. Even writing contests. Go to a writer's conference and learn the techniques. Get involved in critique groups and other writing organizations. And then get your work on the editor's desk as soon as it's ready.

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