For some reason tonight I was reminded of this. It is so easy to get discouraged by what we see instead of looking at things eternal. I have been through a lot these many months and have tended to look down below instead of on high where glory dwells and difficulties disappear.
I took a trip recently and experienced an illustration of this. I climbed to a rocky point that looked out over the scenery displayed before me. High above where I sat, enjoying the scenery, the problems below looked quite tiny. Insignificant, really. But where I was on that mountaintop, I indeed felt above them. Superior to them, actually. Able to rise up and keep going, no matter what lies ahead or how difficult it all seems.
You may be at that point right now with your writing or in any of life's journey with work, family, etc. Feeling as though you cannot rise up above the barricades or the circumstances. But be of good cheer... the difficulties really are small. After all, He has overcome the world and its barriers. You will reap (its His promise)...IF you do not lose heart.
Thanks for such a beautiful blog :-)
Oh my! How I needed to read this post tonight! (I got here from ShoutLife...what a blessing!). ~ I just today received a "rejection letter" in the mail from a publishing house I'd been hopeful about...have been feeling "down" although I know the Lord has a reason for everything I go through. Reading this post gave me such encouragement, and was a wonderful reminder - - THANK YOU!! Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)
Oh, I know what it's like to face rejection. It's difficult, but you are so right that God has our writing in His hands. Keep looking up, no matter what happens!
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