Monday, November 10, 2014

I Am Shocked!

I start off a brand new era of this blog with shocking news....

My husband can’t believe it.

My dad was stunned.

My friends are probably wondering too.

And then there’s me. I can’t believe it either.

I took my very first scuba diving lesson.
Well, I've got the equipment on .

For many years I watched by brave husband on the scuba gear and take for the waters. I’d be left on the sand wondering what he was seeing. And really, if he would come back alive.
I did think about about the great things he was seeing in the deep. Shipwrecks and cool fish, and brain corral and barracudas. But I was too scared to do it. I tried to snorkel and that was a catastrophe, esp. because I couldn’t see anything.

Fast forward to today. We are about ready to depart on our anniversary cruise to the western Caribbean including Grand Cayman home to some great reefs for viewing fish and critters. And for one excursion, called snuba, you don a regulator and swim under the water. My husband really wanted to do it. I was scared. And so he suggested an intro scuba course to get me used to being under water and using a regulator.

I thought about it and decided to go along with it. At first it was pretty tough just donning the neoprene suit that made me feel like I was choking. I couldn’t see either as had yet to get a prescription mask made (which has since arrived in time for our cruise, along with new fins and snorkel). So I was blind, choking, and now bending my arm backwards to try and get a huge heavy oxygen bottle on my back. And wearing a weight belt so I would sink in the water (we did this at a pool).
The first time I'm breathing in a regulator.
Thankfully the instructor was as warm and calm as the pool water. He guided me step by step. And after about a half hour of getting used to all this gear and sitting under water with eyes open and lungs breathing, I was actually able to swim after my husband under water. I felt for the first time – hey, I might be able to do that snuba thing.

…Until I got tired, and my feet cramped like crazy in the fins.

But I had hope. Hope that I might be able to see some wonders in the deep without freaking out. Hope that the snuba will go ok, as we signed up for the excursion.

I’ll let you know….

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